Explore Source References 579 Results


Peer-reviewed scientific article

A seasonal investigation of the genus Lernaea (Crustaceae: Copepoda) on cyprinid fish in Boskop Dam, Transvaal, South Africa

Source : South African Journal of Wildlife Research

1986 Viljoen BCS

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Validation of growth zone deposition in otoliths of two large endemic cyprinids in Lake Gariep, South Africa

Source : African Zoology

2010 Henning Winker, Bruce Ellender, OLF Weyl & Anthony Booth

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Life history strategy and population characteristics of an unexploited riverine cyprinid,Labeo capensis, in the largest impoundment in the Orange River Basin

Source : African Zoology

2012 Henning Winker, OLF Weyl, Anthony Booth & Bruce Ellender

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Effects of temperature and hypoxic stress on the oxygen consumption rates of the mudsucker fishLabeo capensis(Smith)

Source : South African Journal of Zoology

1986 W.J. Van Aardt & B Frey

Published book, report or thesis

Aspects of the morphology of chonopeltis thiele, 1900 (crustacea: branchiura), with special reference to the reproductive systems

Source : PhD Thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

1996 -

Published book, report or thesis

The determination of dioxin-like POPs in sediments and fish of the Vaal Triangle region, Gauteng, South Africa

Source : MSc Thesis, North-West University, South Africa

2006 -

Published book, report or thesis

The biology and management considerations of abundant large cyprinids in Lake Le Roux, Orange River, South Africa

Source : PhD Thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa

1983 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Early ontogeny ofLabeo capensis(Pisces: Cyprinidae)

Source : South African Journal of Zoology

1985 Jim Cambray

Published book, report or thesis

An investigation into the allozyme genetic variation patterns among populations of freshwater fish from different river systems of Southern Africa

Source : MSc Thesis, University of Limpopo, South Africa

2011 -

Published book, report or thesis

The influence of AVS in sediments upon the bioavailability of metals in the mudfish, Labeo molybdinus, from the Olifants River, Kruger National Park

Source : MSc Thesis, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

2012 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Expanded description of Lamproglena cleopatra Humes, 1957 (Lernaeidae: Copepoda) from Labeo spp. (Cyprinidae) with a key to species of Lamproglena von Nordmann, 1832

Source : Systematic Parasitology

2017 K Kunutu, Sareh Tavakol, A Halajian, Chantel Baker, M Paoletti, RA Heckmann & WJ Luus-Powell

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Microcystin-LR equivalent concentrations in fish tissue during a postbloomMicrocystisexposure in Loskop Dam, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2014 T Nchabeleng, P Cheng, PJ Oberholster, A Botha, W Smit & WJ Luus-Powell

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Bioaccumulation of selected metals in the gill, liver and muscle tissue of rednose labeo Labeo rosae from two impoundments on the Olifants River, Limpopo river system, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2017 Sean Marr, J Lebepe, Johan Steyl, W Smit & WJ Luus-Powell

Published book, report or thesis

Aspekte van die spermatologie van Labeo ruddi en Labeo rosae asook die kriobewaring van semen van geselekteerde Labeo spesies (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

Source : PhD Thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

1989 -

Unpublished data

Unpublished data from B Paxton

Source : Unpublished data from B Paxton

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