Explore Source References 579 Results


Peer-reviewed scientific article

Determining the most suitable method of otolith preparation for estimating the age of tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus in the Pongolapoort Dam, South Africa

Source : African Zoology

2013 Michelle Soekoe, F.H. Van Der Bank & N.J. Smit

Published book, report or thesis

The use of Hydrocynus vittatus (Tigerfish) as an indicator of pollution in the Nyamithi Pan and Phongolo River, Kwazulu-Natal South Africa.

Source : MSc Thesis, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

2013 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Equitable and reasonable freshwater allocation based on a multi-criteria decision making approach with hydrologically constrained bankruptcy rules

Source : Ecological Indicators

2017 Yong Zeng, Jiangbin Li, Yanpeng Cai & Qian Tan

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Welcoming uncertainty: A probabilistic approach to measure sustainability

Source : Ecological Indicators

2017 Oscar Landerretche, Benjamín Leiva, Diego Vivanco & Iván López

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Roles of composts in soil based on the assessment of humification degree of fulvic acids

Source : Ecological Indicators

2017 Yue Zhao, Yuquan Wei, Yun Zhang, Xin Wen, Beidou Xi, Xinyu Zhao, Xu Zhang & Zimin Wei

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Analysis of structural and functional indicators for assessing the health state of mountain streams

Source : Ecological Indicators

2017 Edurne Estevez, Tamara Rodríguez-Castillo, Mario Álvarez-Cabria, Francisco J. Peñas, Alexia María González-Ferreras, María Lezcano & José Barquín

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Response of moths (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) to livestock grazing in Mongolian rangelands

Source : Ecological Indicators

2017 Khishigdelger Enkhtur, Martin Pfeiffer, Ariuntsetseg Lkhagva & Bazartseren Boldgiv

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Biomarkers in tigerfish ( Hydrocynus vittatus ) as indicators of metal and organic pollution in ecologically sensitive subtropical rivers

Source : Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

2018 Ruan Gerber, N.J. Smit, Johan H.J. van Vuren, Yoshinori Ikenaka & Victor Wepener

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Bioaccumulation and human health risk assessment of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides in an apex aquatic predator from a premier conservation area

Source : Science of The Total Environment

2016 Ruan Gerber, N.J. Smit, Johan H.J. van Vuren, Shouta Nakayama, Yared Yohannes, Yoshinori Ikenaka, Mayumi Ishizuka & Victor Wepener

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Is caudal fin colour in tigerfishHydrocynus vittatusa sex or population trait?

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2013 Michelle Soekoe, F.H. Van Der Bank & N.J. Smit

Peer-reviewed scientific article

First observation of African tigerfishHydrocynus vittatuspredating on barn swallowsHirundo rusticain flight

Source : Journal of Fish Biology

2013 G O'Brien, Francois Jacobs, S Evans & N.J. Smit

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Seasonal Bioaccumulation of Organohalogens in Tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau, from Lake Pongolapoort, South Africa

Source : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

2011 Victor Wepener, N.J. Smit, Adrian Covaci, Sarah Dyke & Lieven Bervoets

Published book, report or thesis

Effects of pollution and metazoan parasites on the health and oxidative stress biomarkers of two cyprinid fish species in the Olifants River System, South Africa

Source : MSc Thesis, University of Limpopo, South Africa

2015 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) in mudfish and sediments from three hard-water dams of the Mooi River catchment, South Africa

Source : Water SA

2004 W.J. Van Aardt & R Erdmann

All issues are public and available through Github