Explore Source References 579 Results


Peer-reviewed scientific article

The influence of diet composition and tissue type on the stable isotope incorporation patterns of a small-bodied southern African minnowEnteromius anoplus(Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae)

Source : Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

2019 Manda J. Kambikambi, Albert Chakona & Wilbert Kadye

Published book, report or thesis

Bi-annual aquatic biomonitoring of the aquatic resources (rivers & streams) associated with the Vlakvarkfontein Colliery, Mpumalanga.

Source : The Biodiversity Company, Report GSW-0174EX

2016 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

The reproductive strategy of a barb, Barbus anoplus (Pisces: Cyprinidae), colonizing a man-made lake in South Africa

Source : Journal of Zoology

2009 Jim Cambray & M.N. Bruton

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Early development and larval behaviour of a minnow,Barbus anoplus(Pisces: Cyprinidae)

Source : South African Journal of Zoology

1983 Jim Cambray

Published book, report or thesis

'n Waardebepaling van die lengte-massaverhouding van sekere hengelvisse in Transvaal

Source : MSc Thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa

1973 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Diet of two small Barbus spp. in a subtropical South African impoundment

Source : South African Journal of Wildlife Research

1992 Polling L, Schoonbee HJ & Saayman JE

Peer-reviewed scientific article

An endoparasitic trichodinid (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) from the urinary system ofBarbus trimaculatusPeters, 1852

Source : South African Journal of Zoology

1989 Linda Basson

Published book, report or thesis

A comparative phylogeographic approach toward defining functional units for the conservation of biodiversity in lotic ecosystems.

Source : PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town

2002 -

Published book, report or thesis

Impacts of non-native rainbow trout on stream food webs in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa: integrating evidence from surveys and experiments.

Source : PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa

2013 -

Published book, report or thesis

Assessment of fish as bio-indicators of river health in rivers of the southwestern Cape

Source : MSc Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

2002 -

Published book, report or thesis

Conservation biology and management of the Twee River redfin, Barbus erubescens (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

Source : MSc Thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa

1998 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Extreme levels of intra-specific divergence among Cape Peninsula populations of the Cape galaxias,Galaxias zebratusCastelnau 1861, reveals a possible species complex

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2006 Marcus Wishart, Jane Hughes, Barbara Stewart & Dean Impson

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Comparative behavioural assessment of an established and a new tigerfishHydrocynus vittatuspopulation in two man-made lakes in the Limpopo River catchment, southern Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2012 G O'Brien, J Bulfin, A. Husted & N.J. Smit

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Movement patterns and home range size of tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus) in the Incomati River system, South Africa

Source : Koedoe

2018 Francois Roux, Gert Steyn, Clinton Hay & Ina Wagenaar

All issues are public and available through Github