Explore Source References 579 Results


Peer-reviewed scientific article

Using functional responses to quantify interaction effects among predators

Source : Functional Ecology

2016 Ryan Wasserman, M. E. Alexander, Tatenda Dalu, Bruce Ellender, H Kaiser & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Intraspecific agonistic interactions in freely swimming mormyrid fish, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (South African form)

Source : Journal of Ethology

2002 Martin Werneyer & Bernd Kramer

Published book, report or thesis

Systematics and biogeography of Mesobola brevianalis (Boulenger, 1908) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Source : MSc Thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa

2014 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

An evaluation of the current extent and potential spread of Black Bass invasions in South Africa

Source : Biological Invasions

2019 D Khosa, Sean Marr, Ryan Wasserman, TA Zengeya & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Temperature regime drives differential predatory performance in Largemouth Bass and Florida Bass

Source : Environmental Biology of Fishes

2019 D Khosa, Josie South, Ross Cuthbert, Ryan Wasserman & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Habitat simplification increases the impact of a freshwater invasive fish

Source : Environmental Biology of Fishes

2014 M. E. Alexander, H Kaiser, OLF Weyl & Jaimie Dick

Published book, report or thesis

The demography, breeding biology and management of two mullet species (Pisces: Mugilidae in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Source : PhD Thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa

1983 -

Published book, report or thesis

Connectivity Through Allochthony: Reciprocal Links Between Adjacent Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems in South Africa.

Source : Water Research Commission Report No. 2186/1/15

2015 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Movement behaviour of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in a South African impoundment

Source : African Zoology

2015 Dylan Howell, Paul Cowley, Amber-Robyn Childs & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Record of Blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner, 1864) in the Eerste River catchment, Western Cape province, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2018 Sean Marr, Gavin Gouws, S Avlijas, D Khosa, Dean Impson, M van der Westhuizen & OLF Weyl

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Biochemical genetic markers to identify hybrids between the endemic Oreochromis mossambicus and the alien species, O. niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae)

Source : Water SA

2000 Moralee RD, van der Bank FH & Van der Waal BCW

Published book, report or thesis

Pansteatitis in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) from Loskop Dam, South Africa : links between the environment, diet and thyroid status.

Source : PhD Thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa

2014 -

All issues are public and available through Github