Explore Source References 579 Results


Published book, report or thesis

Water quality and abatement of pollution in Natal Rivers. Part II. Survey of the Three Rivers Region.

Source : National Institute for Water Research, CSIR and the Town and Regional Planning Commission

1967 -

Published book, report or thesis

Assessment of the instream flow incremental methodology and initial development of alternative instream flow methodologies for South Africa.

Source : Water Research Commission Report No 295/1/94

1994 -

Published book, report or thesis

Initial surveys in the investigation to determine the effects of trout farm effluent on riverine biotas in the south-western Cape.

Source : Final Interim Report for Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

1993 -

Published book, report or thesis

Blackfly control project.

Source : Progress Report for the Water Research Commission

1992 -

Published book, report or thesis

Water quality and abatement of pollution in Natal rivers. Part III. The Tugela River and its tributaries.

Source : National Institute for Water Research, CSIR and the Town and Regional Planning Commission

1967 -

Published book, report or thesis

Water quality and abatement of pollution in Natal rivers. Part IV. The rivers of Northern Natal and Zululand.

Source : National Institute for Water Research, CSIR and the Town and Regional Planning Commission Report

1969 -

Published book, report or thesis

Hydrobiological studies on the Vaal River.

Source : National Institute for Water Research, CSIR Report WAT 38

1967 -

Published book, report or thesis

Hydrobiological report on the Olifants River system, Western Cape province.

Source : Department of Nature Conservation Research Report

1982 -

Published book, report or thesis

Relationship between low flows and the river fauna in the Letaba River.

Source : Division of Water Technology, CSIR, Project No. 670/33399. Report prepared for the Water Research Commission

1993 -

Published book, report or thesis

The effects of suspended sediments on the macroinvertebrate community structure of a river ecosystem.

Source : University of Cape Town Unpublished Honours Thesis

1991 -


Freshwater Research Centre Monitoring Database

Source : Freshwater Research Centre Monitoring Database

- -

Published book, report or thesis

An ecological assessment of the Holsloot river, Western Cape, South Africa.

Source : MSc Thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

2013 -

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