Explore Source References 579 Results


Published book, report or thesis

Aspects of the Ecology and Population Management of the Bushveld Smallscale Yellowfish (Labeobarbus polylepis)

Source : Water Research Commission. Report no.: KV 225/09

2009 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article


Source : Southern African Journal of Aquatic Sciences

1998 IA Russell

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Histological studies to evaluate gonad development inBarbus neefi(Cyprinidae), the sidespot barb, from South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2005 Wynand Vlok

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Report on some monogenean and clinostomid infestations of freshwater fish and waterbird hosts in Middle Letaba Dam, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Source : Onderstepoort J Vet Res

2009 P Olivier, WJ Luus-Powell & J Saayman

Peer-reviewed scientific article

A newBarbus minnow(Pisces, Cyprinidae) from the eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Source : South African Journal of Zoology

1990 Paul Skelton

Published book, report or thesis

Development of Protocols for Acute Fish Toxicity Bioassays, Using Suitable Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species

Source : Water Research Commission. Report no.1313/2/10

2010 -

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Ecosystem change and the Olifants River crocodile mass mortality events

Source : Ecosphere

2012 S Woodborne, K Huchzermeyer, D Govender, D Pienaar, G Hall, J Myburgh, Andrew Deacon, JA Venter & N Lubcker

Peer-reviewed scientific article

The breeding biology of the southern barred minnowOpsaridium peringueyi(Gilchrist and Thompson 1913) in the Incomati and Luvuvhu river systems, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2011 Paul Fouché & JA Venter

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Functionality evaluation of the Xikundu fishway, Luvuvhu River, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2013 Paul Fouché & R.G. Heath

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Ecology of diplostomid (Trematoda: Digenea) infection in freshwater fish in southern Africa

Source : African Zoology

2014 Andri Grobbelaar, Liesl L. Van As, Hennie Butler & J.G. Van As

Peer-reviewed scientific article

Regional variation in otolith Sr:Ca ratios of African longfinned eel Anguilla mossambica and mottled eel Anguilla marmorata: a challenge to the classic tool for reconstructing migratory histories of fishes

Source : Journal of Fish Biology

2012 Yu-jia Lin, Brian Jessop, OLF Weyl, Ypshiyuki Iizuka, S Lin, Wann-Nian Tzeng & Chi-Lu Sun

Peer-reviewed scientific article

An assessment of the reproductive biology of the Marico barbBarbus motebensisfrom the upper Groot Marico catchment, South Africa

Source : African Journal of Aquatic Science

2015 Dale Kindler, GM Wagenaar & OLF Weyl

Published book, report or thesis

Groot Letaba river water development project (GLeWaP)

Source : Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Report No: P 02/B810/00/0708/Volume 2 Annexure H

2008 -

Published book, report or thesis

Characterization of the Fishery Assemblages in a Suite of Eutrophic and Hypertrophic South African Dams

Source : Water Research Commission. Report No. 1643/1/10

2011 -

Published book, report or thesis

Elucidation of foodweb interactions in South African reservoirs using stable isotopes

Source : Water Research Commission. Report no.1918/1/12

2012 -

All issues are public and available through Github