Explore Source References 579 Results


Published book, report or thesis

Report of an investigation of water quality in the upper Mooi River.

Source : Unpublished report: Institute for Freshwater Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa.

1989 -

Published book, report or thesis

A study of a Cape Mountain stream ecosystem and its response to fire.

Source : Ph.D Thesis University of Cape Town, South Africa.

1990 -

Published book, report or thesis

The effect of regulation by two impoundments on an acid, blackwater, Cape mountain stream.

Source : PhD thesis. Zoology Department. University of Cape Town, South Africa.

1992 -


Ecotone Freshwater Consultants Database

Source : Ecotone Freshwater Consultants Database

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Peer-reviewed scientific article

Fish community of a small, temperate, urban river in South Africa

Source : Water SA

2015 C Muller, NA Strydom & OLF Weyl

Published book, report or thesis

Assessing the ecological relevance of a spatially-nested geomorphological hierarchy for river management

Source : Water Research Commission. Report No.: 754/1/01

2001 -

Unpublished data

Ecotone Freshwater Consultants

Source : Ecotone Freshwater Consultants

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Unpublished data

Gerhard Diedericks Unpublished Data (Fish caught in SASS net)

Source : Gerhard Diedericks Unpublished Data (Fish caught in SASS net)

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Unpublished data

Michiel Jonker Unpublished Data

Source : Michiel Jonker Unpublished Data

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Unpublished data

OSR Weyl Unpublished Data

Source : OSR Weyl Unpublished Data

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Unpublished data

Biomonitoring data Pieter Kotze

Source : Biomonitoring data Pieter Kotze

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Published book, report or thesis

The Riviersonderend: Situation assessment with specific reference to the effects of the Theewaterskloof Dam on the riverine ecosystem.

Source : Southern Waters Ecological Research & Consulting Report to Department of Water Affairs & Forestry

1996 -

Unpublished data

SANParks 2020/2021 Survey

Source : SANParks 2020/2021 Survey

2020 -

Published book, report or thesis

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in lotic systems: implications for defining reference conditions for macroinvertebrates.

Source : Doctoral Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town

2002 -

Published book, report or thesis

Biomonitoring Baseline Assessment: Aquatic environment associated with Palabora Mining Company, Foskor and Sasol Agri

Source : Ecosun Report No. E211/01/C

2002 -

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